Laufende Projekte

Nov. 2017 – Jan. 2018

Final gender responsive evaluation of a joint UNDP & UNIDO Project in Mali dealing wit women’s and youth resilience in Mali. Report of 80 pages approved by the two agencies on 12th of January 2018.

February – May 2017

Final evaluation of a UNDEF funded project in Uganda “Strengthening Young Women’s Civic Participation and Leadership in Uganda“.

2013 – Present

Ongoing Doctorate / PhD Thesis on Gender and Leadership in post conflict settings: A case study of the impacts of Gender Policies and Politics on women’s leadership in Rwanda (University of Liverpool, UK)


Research Coordination of a Gender Analysis and Women’s Economic Empowerment study in Rwanda (German Development Agency-GIZ)

June – July 2015

Design and Edition of a Women’s Economic Empowerment manual for Women in the Private Sector in a post conflict setting: Example of Rwanda. (Research project Financed and supported by the Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs, GIZ and CARE International Rwanda)


Documentary on my Gender and Peace building activities/Results in Northern Cameroon at France 24 (TV) and RFI (Radio).


Coordination of a Regional advocacy study on Women’ and Human Rights violations in Boko Haram Setting (Northern Cameroon and communities in Chad and Nigeria). Peace building Program financed by the Ministry of German Cooperation (ZfD): Les Efforts en faveur de la Paix et du Respect des Droits des Filles et Femmes dans un Contexte de Crises


Article published in a Canadian Journal of Human Rights Ethiques & Sociétés: Les familles en zones frontalières au Nord Cameroun et l‘insécurité: une réalité quasi quotidienne pour les femmes et les enfants


Gender Analysis and Publication of the main findings as a regional advocacy booklet of 100 pages dealing with the impacts of SGBV on Women and Girls. Analysis conducted in partnership with local Women’s organisations and Gender Advocacy Network SCP with the title Analyse de la Situation socio culturelle, économique et juridique des Filles et Femmes du Nord Cameroun .100 pages.

2011 – 2012

Design and production of an advocacy documentary of 30 minutes related to SGBV and Engagement of Women and Men in dealing with Child and forced marriage and local peace building Rewbe Woila. Un portrait des Femmes du Nord Cameroun Project supported by local Grassroots organisation and the Ministry of German Cooperation within the framework of ZfD Programs.


Research and publication of findings related to the expression of womanhood and masculinity, the linkages with Gender based discriminations on women. Published under title: Construction de la Féminité et son impact dans la situation Socio-économique actuelle des Femmes au Nord Cameroun


MBA Thesis with the title Défis interculturels et structurels dans la gestion des projets de développement: Exemple des ONGs autrichiennes dans les pays ciblés en Afrique -Private Academic Institute Bildungsmanagement of Vienna – Austria. Accredited by the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft undKultur.Published also as a book at Optimus Verlag /ISBN: 9783941274532


Article published at ” Frau sein in Kamerun ist ein Vergehen.”


Article published in the Canadian journal for NGOs Ethiques et Société “Droit à l’Education. Droit à l’Auto détermination!”


Article published in a Austrian Human Rights magazine MO#16 “NGO Building in Kamerun – Recht nicht Hilfe!


Article published in “25 Novembre: Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la violence faite aux femmes : Un rappel des faits”


Research Thesis on behalf of the Institute Bildungsmanagement in Vienna, Austria «Konfliktmanagement in virtuellen Teams »